Anti-Ragging Cell at Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara

The College has an Anti-Ragging Committee which is constituted as per Hon'ble Supreme Court order and UGC regulations. The committee includes member from Civil Administration, Police Administration and Local Media. The committee has constituted an anti-ragging squad with the faculty members of the college.

  1. Ragging is prohibited on campus and off campus. Join hands in making the College campus free from ragging.
  2. As per the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, UGC Regulations, Ragging is considered as a sadistic thrill and it is a violation of Human Rights.
  3. Ragging is totally prohibited in the College and any body found guilty of ragging and\or abetting ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with the Supreme Court orders and UGC regulations and as per provision of law in force.

Committee of Anti Ragging Cell of Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara:

As per Resolution No.03 dated 05/02/2020 of staff meeting the following members of Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara as form anti- ragging committee for smooth functioning of various activities regarding anti-ragging.

Chairperson:Dr. Sheikh Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed (Principal i/c)
Convenor:Mazedur Rahman
Members:1. Shahazul Islam
2. Mansoor Alom
3. Chayanika Patgiri
Advisor:Shri Ram Chandra Pathak (G.B President)