Grievance Cell at Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara
In order to redress individual as well as collective grievances, general in nature and also related to ragging and sexual harassment of the students and the staff of the college, Grievance Redressal mechanism has been devised by the institution. The Stafl refers to the teaching and non-teaching members of the college.
As per the rules and regulations addressed by the UGC, for students and Stafl, Grievance Redressal Committees of Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara have been constituted with the following details to enquire the nature and extent of the grievances.
What is a Grievance?
A grievance may be of any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, whether expressed or not, arising out of anything connected with the college that a student or a staff thinks, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. Any grievance/complaint relating to sexual harassment and ragging will be covered by different committees mentioned here for the purpose under a separate mechanism for addressing such matters.
The institution has devised its fix policy to undertake various measures to create awareness to avoid the cases of grievances in regards to sexual harassment, ragging and general grievances of the students and the Staff. The awareness among the students has been created through-
The three committees shall work under the control and guidance of the Principal to redress the grievances. Grievances of serious nature, if any, can only be forwarded to the highest authority, the Goveming Body of the College. Issues common in nature can be sorted out then and there only at the committee level.
The grievances shall be collected through the Complaint Box in the campus, in person: oral or written complaint the principal and cases detected during the vigilance of the authorized persons. The Commitees shall meet at least twice in an academic year, but in emergency, these can meet any number of times. The committees are required to maintain the record sincerely in the form of notice, agenda, minutes and action taken etc.
Note: While this platform allows voicing the concerns in an open manner, it is imperative that the complainant exercises due diligence and care in deciding what he/she would qualify as a grievance that is serious enough to deserve attention of this committee comprising of senior faculty of the institution.
Committees to redress the Grievances:
In order to redress individual as well as collective grievances, general in nature and also related to ragging and sexual harassment of the students and the staff of the college, Grievance Redressal mechanism has been devised by the institution. The Stafl refers to the teaching and non-teaching members of the college.
As per the rules and regulations addressed by the UGC, for students and Stafl, Grievance Redressal Committees of Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara have been constituted with the following details to enquire the nature and extent of the grievances.
What is a Grievance?
A grievance may be of any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, whether expressed or not, arising out of anything connected with the college that a student or a staff thinks, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. Any grievance/complaint relating to sexual harassment and ragging will be covered by different committees mentioned here for the purpose under a separate mechanism for addressing such matters.
- To formulate the policy to investigate and review complaints or grievances of students and staff.
- To create awareness of availability of members for students to report grievances.
- To investigate the causes of the grievances.
- To ensure effectual solution depending upon the gravity of the grievance.
- Grievance Redressal Cornmittee
- Anti- Sexual Harassment Committee
- Anti-Ragging Committee
The institution has devised its fix policy to undertake various measures to create awareness to avoid the cases of grievances in regards to sexual harassment, ragging and general grievances of the students and the Staff. The awareness among the students has been created through-
- Class Room
- Prospectus
- Undertaking of students and parents at the time of admission
- Institutional website
- Women's Cell
- On campus display of Code Of Conduct
The three committees shall work under the control and guidance of the Principal to redress the grievances. Grievances of serious nature, if any, can only be forwarded to the highest authority, the Goveming Body of the College. Issues common in nature can be sorted out then and there only at the committee level.
The grievances shall be collected through the Complaint Box in the campus, in person: oral or written complaint the principal and cases detected during the vigilance of the authorized persons. The Commitees shall meet at least twice in an academic year, but in emergency, these can meet any number of times. The committees are required to maintain the record sincerely in the form of notice, agenda, minutes and action taken etc.
Note: While this platform allows voicing the concerns in an open manner, it is imperative that the complainant exercises due diligence and care in deciding what he/she would qualify as a grievance that is serious enough to deserve attention of this committee comprising of senior faculty of the institution.
Committees to redress the Grievances:
- Grievance Redressal Committee: There shall be a grievance redressal committee at the institutional level to redress the grievances of students and the staff occured in the institution, other than related to sexual harassment and ragging, during the general functioning. The Commitee shall meet at least twice in a year or as and when required. The Principal shall be the Chairperson of the committee and a senior faculty mernber shall facilitate it as its Convener. The Chairperson shall nominate two faculty members as its members.
- Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee: There shall be a Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee at the institutional level to prevent the sexual harassment of the students and the Staff in the institution during the general functioning. The Commitee shall meet at least twice in a year or as and when required. The Principal shall be the Chairperson of the committee and faculty wise representation shall be given to the staff and a few students shall act as members nominated by the Principal. Besides, a senior faculty member shall facilitate it as its Convener. A legal adviser, a social worker and a medical doctor shall also be nominated by the Principal as the members.
- Anti-Ragging Committee: There shall be an Anti-Ragzing committee at the institutional level to observe and regulate the ragging cases of the students occurred in the institution during the general functioning, The Committee shall mect at least twice in a ycar or as and when required. The Principal shall be the Chairperson of the committee and a senior faculty member shall facilitate it as its Convener. The Chairperson shall nominate faculty wise members as the members of it to regulate the afair.