The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Mahatma Gandhi College, Chalantapara was constituted on 15/11/2018. Since its formation it has been involved in maintaining quality education in different domains for the overall development of the institution. The IQAC plans institutionalization of a number of quality assurance strategies and executes them accordingly. Some these strategies at the beginning of 1st Cycle of NAAC Assessment period include the introduction of a digital classroom, computerization of Academic as well as administrative activities, setting of various departments, installation of Wi-Fi and SOUL 3.0 version, awareness program on various issues of social relevance more extension activities and outreach programs, use of ICT in classroom teaching monthly appraisal meetings of IQAC etc.
The IQAC has devised several mechanisms to review the effectiveness of teaching learning process. Adjustment of classrooms, use of ICT in classroom teaching, increase of books in library, purchase of computer as per requirement, internet facility, running water, rain water harvesting are of the infrastructural facilities provided by the institution for maintaining quality in teaching learning process. The IQAC regularly reviews the activities carried out by different committees in the meetings of IQAC and suggest changes if required. The college has moved to its 1st cycle of accreditation by taking some quality initiative by the IQAC and implementing the successfully as well. Some of the quality initiative in the academic as well as in the administrative domain are mentioned below: